Maple Tree Speaks

The small maple tree branch was completely encapsulated in ice from the winter storm. It looked as if the branch was in a crystal cocoon. I asked the branch to speak to me about my money and abundance goals and share words of guidance.

As I continued to gaze at the branch, I heard the sounds of bigger branches breaking and falling all around as the ice melted and the branches were released from the chilly embrace.

The sun was shining, the sky was a light blue, and it felt warm. It appeared as if an inner light was coming from within the center of the ice and enhancing the brilliant red color of the branch. It looked healthy and strong and flexible.

I sensed the following messages:

  • Acknowledge my inner strength, foundation, and roots.
  • Appreciate my inner beauty that shines from within.
  • Trust in the process that everything moves and changes and the sun will shine again.
  • Embrace my inner knowing that there are many ways to gain financial freedom like the ice that melts from the sun, the warm air, warm water, by the hand of another, or by an animal that passes by.
  • Remember to be patient and resilient during the stormy times as they too shall pass.
  • Know that I am free.

I go within and feel my power and purpose and light that shines through any ice that covers me.

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