Hello! I'm Maree Piplovick
I support working women in mid-life break free from the clutches of burnout and reclaim their joy, focus, and zest for life!

They 'Revive and Shine' by connecting to their own sources of power and well-being.
Read More About Maree

Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and trapped in the cycle of burnout? feeling discouraged and on the verge of despair? struggling with discomfort that keeps you up at night? searching for ways to recharge, relax, and breathe joy back into your life?

Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and trapped in the cycle of burnout?

Are you feeling discouraged and on the verge of despair?

Are you struggling with discomfort that keeps you up at night?

Are you searching for ways to recharge, relax, and breathe joy back into your life?

I'll Help You...

Together, we will embark on a transformative journey that helps you create lasting change that shines a light on your gifts to this world.

As a passionate advocate for personal transformation, I believe that every woman can tap into her inner strength and create a life that truly lights her up. I understand that the demands of work, family, and personal responsibilities can take a toll on your well-being, leaving you feeling depleted and overwhelmed. That’s why I’m dedicated to helping you overcome burnout and reclaim your vitality.

The foundation of my offerings and the key to transformation is Conscious Breathing. I share powerful breathing techniques and other holistic tools that help you release discomfort from cumulative stress, tension, and negative emotions while raising your energetic vibration or life force. These holistic techniques activate your inner healer, nourish, and purify the body while cultivating vibrant health, mental and emotional clarity, and spiritual freedom.

Imagine experiencing some of these potential benefits:

  • Relief from physical pain
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Detoxification
  • Better sleep
  • Enhanced relaxation
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased clarity and focus
  • The ability to break free of old and limiting patterns, habits, and beliefs
  • Increased confidence, creativity, vitality, and resilience
  • Increased emotional balance
  • Increased gratitude and joy
  • More peace, harmony, and balance in life
  • Deeper connection to self
  • Ability to change state consciously

Your breathing reflects your relationship with life. Through the practice of Conscious Breathing, you will become more aware that when you feel limited, constrained, or stressed, your breath is restricted, shallow, and unconscious. As you consciously shift your focus to connecting with your breath, even for a few minutes, you will experience a remarkable transformation that brings you a sense of relaxation, clarity, and openness. In this state you align with your own inner source of strength and creativity. You will be better able to be present in the moment to acknowledge, express, and clear self-limiting thoughts and create peace, harmony, and balance in your life.

“As we allow our inner light to shine, we illuminate our direction and more easily flow with the currents and waves of life”     ~ Maree Piplovick

Let’s ‘Revive and Shine’ together!

Start with this short, yet powerful breathing exercise to help you clear subconscious blocks and calm your body and mind. It is my gift to you. 


Unlock the power of Conscious Connected Breathing to transform your life with a personalized private 1:1 session.


Embark on an empowering path of self-discovery and personal growth in this intimate 6-month small group program.

Read the article on mysticmag.com


Ignite your radiance on a journey through the 7 energy centers in this vibrational 8-month small group program.


Unleash your inner peace and true potential with this immersive 3-month, 12 session package.

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Elevate your breathing experience when you purchase these exclusive Online Promos!

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey designed to enhance your well-being and change the way you experience your breath. 


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Immerse yourself in a transformative journey designed to enhance your well-being and change the way you experience your breath. 

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